التعليم الجامعي
التعليم الثانوي
التعليم المتوسط
التعليم الابتدائي
English language 3AS اللغة الانجليزية سنة ثالثة ثانوي
English lessons
Abstracts of english lessons 3AS
English memorandums (Modakirat) 3AS
English lessons 3AS - Ms. Rayhan
Summary of grammar lessons 3AS - Mr. Belit
Some english rules 3AS
Grammar lesson: as long as, provided that, providing that
Program of lessons 3AS
Exams and proposed subjects
Examples of tests & exams English language 3AS LE
Examples of tests & exams English language 3AS LP
Examples of tests & exams English language 3AS scientific streams
Proposed subjects from "general inspectorate of pedagogy" LE
Proposed written expressions for BAC
Summaries of some proposed written expressions in english
Other proposed subjects for BAC all the streams
Scholar book's activities and other activities
Teacher's book with correction of the activities
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